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Will Beers

Rating My Favorite Winter Desserts

Ok, I’m going to try something a little bit different for this post. In this post I will be rating my favorite winter desserts from worst to best. Now, this is my personal opinion, but I’m hoping there are others who think the same things that I do. I will also be sharing with you some recipes to the desserts I have made and tried, so you can see for yourself wether the dessert was good or not.

#5 (Worst) Almond Bark Pretzels

Chances are you’ve heard of them. They are a very popular dessert around the holiday season, but me personally… not a fan. They are very simple and very easy to make, which is probably the reason they are so popular. But I’d much rather have a Pretzel Bark, using milk or dark chocolate rather than almond bark or even white chocolate. Something about the richness of a dark chocolate with the crunchy salty-ness of the pretzel is much more appetizing tan almond bark.

#4 Hot Chocolate

Everyone knows it, almost everyone drinks it. It is nice to drink after sledding in the cold winter snow. Or sitting outside in front of a bonfire roasting marshmallows (don’t know if I’m the only one that does that in winter). But why not whip up a cup of Hot Apple Cider. I mean, am I the only one that doesn’t want Hot Chocolate? It seems that way sometimes. Depending on the hot chocolate it lacks flavor, maybe I just have had really bland and bad hot chocolate. But Apple Cider is the way to go for me.

#3 Ginger Bread

Ginger Bread or Ginger Bread Men are a very popular winter dessert, well for me its because it reminds me of the winter weekends I would spend with my family and baking ginger bread, we would sometime attempt to build a ginger gread house, but sometimes we would just have the cookies. It’s gingery and fun, and it just puts a smile on your face when you take a bite. Although it isn’t my favorite I will gladly make up a batch of ginger bread cookies for anyone who asked.

#2 Spritz Cookies

Spritz Cookies aren't only good, they are fun to make. Now, for this recipe you need a special tool called a cookie gun. For the some of you that have one, its possible youve only used it once or twice, or maybe not at all, like me until last Christmas. They are relatively easy to make and require little talent. Altbough it is nice to know your way around a cookie gun, because I actually broke mine the first time I have sued it. Luckily I was able to find another one on short notice and finished making my cookies.

Super easy without any hassle.

#1 Chocolate Kiss Cookies

These cookies are very popular in Minnesota where I’m from, but they are a a joy to make! This classic peanut butter cookie is a staple in my family‘s gatherings in the winter time. It’s also a favorite of mine to buy extra kisses to put out in a bowl for family and friends to snack on, and a little extra for the baker while baking.

It just so happens that I use two recipes from Betty Crocker, Ha!

Just an interesting article I found while researching for this blog post:

People’s favorite Christmas treats from each state!

Thanks so much for reading!

These images were not taken by me.

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